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Money For Nothing

It’s brilliant, isn’t it, when you find money you didn’t realise you still had? That perfect moment when you put your hand into your jeans pocket and pull out a £10 or £20 note. Lovely!
Well actually, no… that doesn’t really happen much any more in our cashless world of card and mobile payments, does it? Hey ho.
That said we’ve been lucky enough at Headcase recently to find a significant amount of cash stuffed down the back of the sofa, so to speak. In doing our sums we’d put aside money for a potential research project that has now been put on the back-burner. If you take a look at our Toby Must Die! campaign page Do Not Save Toby! you’ll see the impact of this find on the amount of money, you have all raised, which will now to go towards the Trial.
So what else has been happening? Well, I’ve had a catch-up with The Wizards at NTU and they are making encouraging progress towards the Vaccine Trial, I met with one of our Fundraisers, The Tin Man, down in the West Country and I had an interesting chit chat with a lovely Baroness (more on all of those things later).
Life running a Charity like Headcase is ever interesting, never boring.