A Quick Heads Up!

Headcase is a young and vibrant Charity with a slightly irreverent approach to a very serious subject matter, and definitely a maverick approach to fundraising. That said we love all kinds of fundraising, although a lot of our supporters do the most weird and wacky things.

OK, so why are we here?…

GBM is the most common and most deadly type of brain tumour, killing around 5000 people each year in the UK (that’s 5 times more than all the other 130 types of brain tumour put together!). Average life expectancy with a GBM, from diagnosis, is a mere 14 months. There is no cure. GBM has the highest number of Life Years Lost of any cancer at 20.1 years!

You probably just skimmed by that last bit……… so to recap…..

5000 people die from GBM in the UK alone each and every year…. There is no cure for GBM….. You will be dead, on average, in 14 months if you get one.

Cheery stuff.

Headcase raises money solely for research to find a cure for this incurable, and frankly, absolute git of a condition. Our Research Strategy has been developed in close conjunction with Scientists and Universities across the UK and beyond.  We all think differently, collaboratively,  we look at novel and unique approaches to first understanding the way GBM functions before looking at strategies to attack and ultimately beat it.

Just so you know, Headcase is run on an entirely voluntary basis so you can be assured that none of your donation will be used on salaries for anyone associated with Headcase. In fact over 98% of all monies we receive go directly to research and thanks to the miracle of Gift Aid, every £1 we receive actually generates £1.05p for research! Not many other Charities can do that!

This means that your donations and fundraising will be going to where it matters most…… where you want them to go.

We want our site to be both informative and, wherever possible, engaging. If you like what you’ve seen and want to help out then you can do 2 things, straight away, for us in return….

Firstly, tell as many people as possible about Headcase through your social media feeds, messaging or, get all retro and, use good old fashioned word of mouth, then you can grab your phone and make a text donation of just £5 to help fund our ground-breaking research.

It’s really easy and takes a couple of seconds to do; just text MILLION to 70450 to give just £5.

Big Thanks!

Colin Speirs, Head Fundraiser.