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MILLION To 70450 (Texts cost £5 plus a standard rate message)
MILLION To 70450 (Texts cost £5 plus a standard rate message)
Thanks a Million! £110,000 and Counting!
Toby (pictured above) Must Die! and our campaign to raise £1 Million, to fund human trials of a cancer vaccine, has now reached an incredible £110,000!
Whilst we endeavour to thank each and every fundraiser directly, we continue to be amazed by the amounts of money that are raised by our followers and supporters. News of as many of them as we can fit in, will appear on these pages but for now we’d like to thank:
The Bownes Family (£1,500), Adam Jowett (£6,200 and rising), Pete Jenkins and the R4AR Team (£12,000), Rob Clay (£2,700) and for collections In Memory of Janice Scott (£1,250) and Lesley Lees (£1,300).